Sunday, October 6, 2019

Abortion Ethical Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Abortion Ethical Issue - Essay Example Abortion, to the pro-life supporter, is simply without a doubt, murder. Millions of people feel that it is unethical and immoral. When you watch TV and you see stories about children that have been beaten or killed by their parents, relatives, or even by a complete stranger. People become completely upset and outraged and want to know how something like this could happen? Thousands of people are crying for those poor innocent, defenseless, unborn children. But yet, when it comes to abortion everybody is quick to say that it’s not murder because the child is not born yet. Those who are against abortion would disagree, they believe that from the moment of conception the embryo or a fetus is full of life and then consider a living being. People don’t realize how these babies are being destroyed. For instead one form of abortion is to cut out the fetus into pieces with serrated forceps before being removed. Then piece by piece is removed by a vacuum aspirator. Another form of abortion is to bring the fetus feet first into the birth canal, only to puncture its skull and sucking out the brain tissue. Then the body parts are removed being labeled as letters instead of being called what they really are. Then the remains of the fetus into plastic bags and then thrown in a dumpster to be disposed of. Then, on the other hand, you have a pro-choice supporter. They believe that women have the right to do to their body whatever she sees fit. Obviously, people will never agree on the abortion issue. They will either be Pro-Life or they will be Pro-Choice. Whatever they decide it will always be hot issues to debate-lifers believe that each human being from the time of fertilization to natural death has immeasurable dignit y and an unalienable right to life. An embryo is distinctively human life so should be provided the equivalent respect, moral status, esteem and dignity given to an infant, child or adult.  Ã‚  

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